LangNet initiated

The LangNet program is developed by the NFLC as part of a federal interagency initiative. LangNet is a state-of-the-art online foreign language learning and maintenance system for advanced language learners.

LangSource funded

The LangSource project is funded by the US Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. LangSource is a searchable, annotated bibliographic database of language and culture resources.

EELIAS funded

The Evaluation of Exchange, Language, and International Area Studies is funded by the US Department of Education, leading to the development of a web-based data reporting and tracking system for Title VI grantees.

Discussion forum hosted

The NFLC hosts a discussion forum to address foreign language planning and to examine how the United States can meet the growing requirements in this area. This forum resulted in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post, “Scaling the Language Barrier.”